GEOPOL PRO is a Belgium-based expertise and analysis center that monitors geo-security risks in sensitive areas such as investments and humanitarian operations.
With a team of geopolitical and thematic analysts located in different European and other countries, including the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America, GEOPOL PRO provides operational recommendations through effective and innovative tools.
The company offers tailored services that cater to the profile, identity, and needs expressed by clients, as well as the requirements of high-risk areas.
About Us

GEOPOL PRO is headed by Simon PETERMANN, PhD, professor (h.) at the universities of Brussels (ULB) and Liège (ULg), specialist in international relations, geopolitics and terrorism. He is a former professor at the Royal Higher Institute for Defense.
He is an expert of the Council of Europe in the former Yugoslavia and member of numerous missions in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the Middle East. Simon PETERMANN is a NATO Fellow and Special Advisor for the Middle East at the EGMONT Royal Institute for International Relations (RIIR), an expert for the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and a Political Advisor for the European mission (EUBAM-Rafah) in the Gaza Strip.
Simon PETERMANN is also a member of the Pedagogical Committee of the “Ecole supérieure des métiers du droit” in Paris (France) and the Scientific Council of the “Centro Altiero Spinelli” of the University Roma Tre (Italy).
He was an expert for the Belgian Parliamentary Commission of the Brussels terrorist attacks of 22 March 2016 and has organized numerous symposiums and briefings for private companies and public institutions. He lectured at many universities in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.

GEOPOL PRO provides in-depth insights on a country, a specific area, or a theme and allows decision-makers to rely on a complete, long-term vision of risks weighing on their projects and activities.

Upon request, personalized briefings by qualified experts can be organized in Belgium or abroad.

Upon request, training can be organized with the participation of qualified experts. They allow better knowledge of a sensitive country or area (understanding of the context, specific risks to the destination, and local realities and culture).
The services provided by GEOPOL PRO are targeted towards the following:

The company enables anticipating potential threats through prospective analysis on any nature that may impact their investments and activities.
GEOPOL PRO relies on a deep understanding of the security environment in the areas of their projects and activities.
The company allows verifying the coherence between implemented security measures and the risks characterizing the local environment
GEOPOL PRO provides an accurate assessment of risks on-site to ensure the protection of their personnel and optimize their operations.
Contact Us
Rue de Joie 85/14, 4000 Liège (BE)